Logging |
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Backup4all provides a log engine that helps you track the backup, restore and test operations. It is composed of three subsystems: backup logging, restore logging and test logging. Log files are accessible from the View->Job Logs menu item. You can also see an "overview" of all three subsystems by selecting the View Application Log menu item.
For each operation the system logs:
The Tools->Options->Logging configuration window provides additional options that you can select to further customize the logging process:
Backup Logging
Logged operations:
Other information added to the logs: the total number of files added to backup, the total size of files added to backup and the number of files excluded.
Restore Logging
Logged operation (except mirror backup): Processing zip file. The total number of restore files is logged and the start/end time of restoring.
Test Logging
Logged operations: Testing zip file or Testing files (for mirror backup). The result of the operation is also logged.